Briefing Paper - OCHA and NGO’s in Humanitarian Coordination
Humanitarian coordination
A briefing paper on OCHA and NGO’s in humanitarian coordination.
A briefing paper on OCHA and NGO’s in humanitarian coordination.
This guidance note has been developed to support efforts to strengthen the meaningful participation, representation, and leadership of local and national humanitarian actors (L/NAs) within IASC humanitarian coordination structures. It draws on over 100 pieces of research and good practice to provide...
The Handbook serves as a guide to the normative framework for humanitarian action, operational approaches, coordination structures, and available tools and services that facilitate the mobilization of humanitarian assistance. It particularly emphasizes the roles and responsibilities of the UN...
This report aims to provide a snapshot analysis and mapping of existing NGO coordination structures and responses in four neighbouring countries to Ukraine, namely Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the Republic of Moldova. Interviews were conducted with representatives from LNGOs, NNGOs, INGOs, UN...
This briefing paper summarizes discussions from the third session of the humanitarian coordination learning stream, which emphasised the importance of understanding how the NGO fora and consortia function and how NGOs can engage in these structures. The session provided examples of good practice of...
This report was commissioned by ICVA and carried out by a consultancy team from the London School of Economics. The research was conducted with the aim of exploring the quality of participation, as well as the challenges inhibiting meaningful participation, by NNGOs and NGO fora within Humanitarian...
Against the current background of sustaining local responses, ICVA initiated this research aiming at mapping and documenting the extent of effective and meaningful NNGOs engagement in international humanitarian coordination structures. Focusing in specific at MENA region, the research explores NNGOs...